In my repeating group function the user can enter a shopping item (multiple) and can delete the item also.
However, I would also like to add where each item is located in a particular store. For example, Jean are located in aisle 4. Any idea how I would go about this? On that same note I would need a place to constantly add new items and there respected locations. Would that be on bubble or external?
Thanks for your reply. The QR code is a good idea but I don’t think it would work for what i am trying to provide the customer.
I’ll try to explain it using a grocery store as an example. So user creates a grocery list - based on preference selects a grocery store (could be favorite store, or simply the nearest store to them).
Once selected I want the items to populate where the items are i n that particular store essentially making it easy for that customer to find the items on their list. So for example, If the list contained:
I want the item location to populate (based on the data I input - I would have to input the item and location of item for each store as they are all different)
So it should look like this once populated:
Beans - Aisle 1
Pasta - Aisle 2
Rice - Aisle 3 etc.
Well, you would need to connect the inventory of the store with your app to fetch this data.
I believe this has been done in the past by some ventures and didn’t go well. If you have this plan well written out you might want to go for an investment from outside.
You can do this fairly easily, and it’s even easier if you’re managing your inventory from Bubble, too. I’m starting with the assumption that your store is organized by “big containers” (which I’ll call aisles), and then “sub-containers” (which I’m calling shelves). Something like this:
When you are managing your inventory, I’m also assuming you keep track of where a given item lives in the store. Chips, for example, might live in aisle A, on shelf 5, and apples might live in aisle E, on shelf 3. If you’ll capture the aisle and shelf of an item when stocking it, you can reflect that back to the user later on. I’ve got 2 example screens I’ve created in Bubble, to demonstrate. Here’s your inventory:
Your Item (i.e. grocery), aisle, and shelf are all thing types with a single identifying field, and an inventory thing pulls all that info together, along with how many of each (count) there are in the store.
On the user thing, I’ve created a “basket” field, that’s a list of items.
Finally, in your shopping cart, just display the aisle and shelf as part of the shopping list. This also assumes that you’ve got some sort of organizational markets (i.e. big signs with something like “Aisle A” at the appropriate places in the store). The shopping list would look something like this (only, you know, not ugly and looking like a rush job):
First off, thank you very much for this this is exactly what I was looking for. I am going to try and implement this on my own if I cannot I may reach out to you for further support
Very useful guide in this thread that helped me to create my shopping cart.
But I am having trouble on how to manage and updating stocks count when a customer made purchase.
My scenario is like a normal e-commerce shopping cart, where a customer put multiple products with each product has its own quantities. For example, a customer would like to buy Apple x 5, Orange 2, so they put those in the cart and I created two Cart Things entry. Now when a customer made payment, I want to deduct quantities of each fruit from their respective Product Things’s Stock Quantities.
How do I do that, mind sharing with me any ideas? I can’t find a solution to change List of Things to List of Things.
Hi @faisalkarimstubapp, thanks for reaching out. In the workflow you are using to handle the customer checkout, you should also deduct the amount of inventory that’s in the cart from your store stock. You’d do this with a Data > Make changes to thing… action. Set the value of your inventory count to that value - (minus) the amount that was sold.
I suggest that you also add a workflow (or actions on the current workflow) to handle errors in case the inventory count goes below zero (which could be the case if someone else buys before the current customer checkout, for instance).
Thank you @jon.laplante. Ya, I did that, make changes to thing, but couldn’t get it right, until I ask @NigelG
Basically, This is what the solution looks this. Make changes to List of Thing, list to to change should be unique elements because there could be duplicate Product in the list of Carts for the Order, so we want to run/change the Product one time.
Then, Stock quantity = this Product’s Stock quantity - Search For Cart (constraint Cart’s Order is the same with this Order and Cart’s Product is this Product) 's purchase quantities : sum.
Need to do sum because the same Order could have multiple Carts with the same Product. Because we are running/changing the Product one time ("unique element), we need to sum.