I new to bubble and I am working on a project where i have an “images” field in a “product” data type.
i want to allow the user to “edit the product”.
in the “editing,” i want to give the user the ability to add images (from the “multifile uploader”) and to remove images with an x icon above every image.
i could easily merge the images from the two sources - the multifile uploader and the product’s images in the database, and present them inside a repeating group.
(by the end, when the user clicks on the button “update product”, i save the repeating group’s images to the database)
but i am a little stuck with the functionality of removing an image from the repeating group with the x icon.
i want to create a workflow that removes the cell and the cell’s image from the repeating group when the user clicks on the “x” icon above the image.
how could i do it?
i tried to create a custom state of images, but it hasn’t worked.
thank you very much!