I’d really like to have a commenting system like Reddit for the site I’m working on. Has anyone been able to accomplish this and be willing to share with the community how you did it (or show us the app in editor mode)?
As far as the upvoting/downvoting part goes, I have that down. My biggest problem is in regards to the hierarchical structure. Person A can comment on Person B. Then Person C can comment on Person B, and so on and the comment indents a little bit each time.
Also, it’s worth noting, I know Disqus is an option. I would just prefer to do this using Bubble.
I have not figured out how to make it like Reddit. The best way I can think of, although not what I want, would be to have several tables.
Comment - First comment to start thread goes here
Response1 - If you respond to a comment from the Comment table, it goes here
Response2 - If you respond to a comment from Response1 table, it goes here
Response3 - If you respond to a comment from Response2 table, it goes here
I then created a repeating group for Comment with a repeating group within that repeating group for Response1. When I get some time, I’ll try to update my example to show that