How do you get a floating group to slide in from the top

I’ve got a floating group I want to position at the top. At the moment it just appears and when the appropriate icon is clicked it vanishes.

I want to have it slide in nicely from the top of the screen and then when the icon is clicked to slide back away nice and smoothly.

Checked out the transitions in Bubble, but they all just seem to fade in, which doesn’t look right.

Any ideas how I could achieve this.


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Hi @Siddhartha :slight_smile: Instead of using the “Show” and “Hide” workflow actions, you can use the “Element Actions --> Animate” workflow actions to show/hide the floating group with slide effects.


That’s great. Found an ‘Animate’ that was perfect. I have to say, I’ve never used the Animate. Hadn’t even noticed it, so big thanks for pointing it out to me Faye.

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Awesome! No problem at all, @Siddhartha! :slight_smile:

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