How to boost my Bubble App/Website performance?

Hi Bubble Lovers,

My app is almost ready and the real problem I have is loading time.
How can I improve the performance of my website?

  • I have the Personal Legacy Plan. Do I have to upgrade?
  • Any advice?

Thank you for your help guys :wink:


try cloudflare


It’s hard to answer this without seeing your app. A personal plan can get you quite far depending on how your app is designed and what kinds of things you’re trying to do inside of the app. Check out this post on app performance: Performance Q&A guide

A lot of time, boosting app performance comes down to optimizing workflows, limiting the number of searches you’re doing, and so on (again see the linked post above for tips on this from one of the founders of Bubble). If you’re experiencing poor performance, I’d start there before upgrading to a higher tier.


How do you set up with Cloudflare?

Thanks for your help.

I didn’t do it yet so I don’t know but it speeds things up a little bit. You can realize the difference. I think there are some tutorials on how to do it. Just search.

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I have posted about this in another section. You can read it here

Could it be of interest?

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