I would like to connect Google Cloud SQL database using Bubble SQL Connector Plugin.
Here is my idea.
mysql → SQL Type such as mysql, postgres, windows sql
username →GCP Database username
password → GCP Database password @my-db-instance.endpoint.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com → ???
PORT→up to sql type
db_name→ db name
Please give me advice if you have any solutions.
Thank you!!
@okamoto hello ! thanks for your post
I have a question regarding this post, how do you set up the IP adress ? do you open it to all trafic ? I asume you work with a dedicated plan since personal plan does not have a fixed IP
thanks !
Thank you for checking my post.
You mean all traffic can access to the IP address when anyone knows the IP address, right??
If so, yes. I have to use a dedicated plan, so I skipped using Bubble SQL Connector because it is worried about security.
Thank you.