I want to create a list of Things from an external API.
For the sake of understanding, I have simplify it : I have a Test data type with 2 fields : Name and Notes
Here is what I hava done so far:
Create API:
Create API call:
The data is correctly returned by the API:
Create an API workflow
Select the API call from step 2
If I choose the action Create a new Thing…
… When I run the API workflow via the Bulk button in App data, all tests are created in the same Thing
While I want this instead :
Maybe Copy a list of Things would be the correct path but i can’t find the correct expression
Would you have any suggestions please?
From step 4, you need one more API Worklfow, where you will create new Test
You can use Schedule API workflow on the list
Type of things : get-test’results
LIst to run: Result of step 1 (Your api call, try POST if GET will not work)
Api workflow: Separated workflow for create your things
Thank you very much @userX.wlnc!
It seems to work however I am not sure everything is correctly done because I do not understand all the logic of this process.
Here is what I have done:
It is especially for the separated workflow create-test that I am not sure about.
If something do not seem correct, please do not hesitate to tell me
Ah sure
Use “response object” as parameter, not each field field separately, and you will be able to extract each field in create new thing … action
Your way is correct too, mine is easier I think
Thank you, however I am not sure to understand.
Where should I use “response object” as parameter?
Instead of sending Name and Notes as parameters for Create Test workflow
You can send [Parameter] test [Type]“get-test’result” as parameter and then:
When scheduling it set parameter [test] = “This get-test’result”
Don’t worry about second workflow, you can use this combo of
- Baserow v2 - get-test => 2. Schedule API workflow create-test
From everythere in your app, from every workflow
Hope this helps
Sorry but I do not understand where I should send [Parameter] test [Type]“get-test’result” because for create-test workflow parameters or get-test workflow parameters I have not the possibility to select [Type] “get-test results”