How to Dynamically Navigate UI Flows Based on Repeating Group Selection in Bubble?

How do I navigate the UI Dynamically based on the selected Repeating Group? this is a Multi Step form and those displayed are option sets inside a repeating group I already have the flow for the Adventures part but in rentals and shuttles I don’t know how to navigate it dynamically

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Hi Red, You need to store the page name inside the Repeating group’s data source, which is the Option set in this case. To create a custom attribute in the Option set and in the workflow you can add a “Go to page” action with the “Dynamic page name” option and select the current cell’s thing’s page_name.

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Would that be the case for the rentals as well? like putting a Dynamic Page on each group or UI that I have?

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You can do that for a repeating group, but if you are not using a repeating group, you can directly select the page, as it will be easier to maintain in the future.

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Thank you, maybe instead of having it as an Option Set I’ll have them display one by one not in a repeating group

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Yes, if the list is not that big and will not change in future much, then can display one by one. But repeating group is also cool feature if you want to learn advance bubble. Anyway! happy to help you.

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