How to send new users welcome email?

I’ve hired a Zapier specialist to create a zap to send my new users a ‘welcome’ email as they sign up. He’s ran into difficulty using API, Webhook, and direct integration, and users are not receiving the email. Does anybody know why this may be happening or a possible solution?

without details it’s impossible to answer but it shouldn’t be difficult to implement.

I assume you don’t want to use SendGrid for the welcome email?

No I am using Mailchimp. Is SendGrid a better alternative? And is there anything that may hinder my ability to do so? Like not having the correct plan or anything like that?

SendGrid is not a good alternative, but it works “natively” with Bubble.

correct plan in bubble or Mailchimp? and again without details of the integration, it’s impossible to answer. any zapier developer should be able to set this up pretty easily…

You don’t need zapier at all for this.

When they signup just have last step in workflow be send email (via a mailchimp plug-in or custom built API call)

If you need to schedule it for something like an hour in the future just create a backend workflow that schedules as the last step on signup.


Correct, basically when the sign up is complete it should trigger an action to send email to the user.

Hi, I am Zapier developer and working for this Profile (Nathanswanson) …
as you said we have a way to do directly integration with Mailchimp side but I have checked all possible ways but still I am unable to see selected (FORM) in Design side and in workflow side no trigger for that FORM…
In simple words in DESIGN side selected FORM not available and in Workflow side I have checked all triggers but still no trigger for selected FORM
Please can you guide me how I can get Correct FORM?

Is the form inputs not being saved? Even if it isn’t you can add a workflow upon a button click or a input value changes that would trigger a mailchimp email.

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