How would I set values with radio buttons?
Red = 1
Yellow = 2
Blue = 5
When it is selected it SETs Point Value to whatever the number is.
(Also is there a way to populate this dynamically?)
How would I set values with radio buttons?
Red = 1
Yellow = 2
Blue = 5
When it is selected it SETs Point Value to whatever the number is.
(Also is there a way to populate this dynamically?)
Assuming you want to load the chosen value to a dB object (… a data type):
Various ways to do this. Here is one:
3 workflows
1st - when radiobutton is clicked set it’s condition to “radiobutton’s value is “red”
2nd - same as above but for “blue”
3rd - same as above but for “yellow”
1st - set up an action to create or modify a thing in the dB and set the value of the number you want to a number field of the thing to … example “3”
2nd - same as above … example “5”
3rd - same as above … example “9”
Hope this makes sense
How would I change the value when the radio button’s value is changed? (not when a button is pushed)
Use the event “when an input’s value is changed”
Ok so I am lost on the first part. I have Static Answers for the Radio Button
In the work flow I want to set the value
When Radio button changes
Set Value Point Result to …
Assume it is Red it should be 1
The inputs value is changed doesn’t seem to trigger. I may be messing it up some place.
This was extremely helpful, but I am not able to populate the data back into the data set for some reason. Any ideas why this might be happening?