How to show a loading icon before the page loads?


How to show a loading icon before the page loads? I currently have a workflow that says “When Page is load” Show Loader

However that set up only shows it after the page is loaded and I need it before it loads.

Is this possible with bubble or any Plugin?

Thank you

that’s the one that I was using but I couldn’t figure how to make it work while the page was loading.

it loads the page and then the plug in runs

Hi @marketing11,

Here’s a setup

  1. Create a Floating group, make it relative to “Both”, and make it’s content layout “Align to parent”
  2. Make sure it’s visible by default
  3. Find a lottie file you like and add it into the center on the Floating group (either by plugin or HTML element)
  4. Create a "When Page is loaded "workflow that hides the Floating group after the page is loaded.

Hope this helps!

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