Hello folks. Just wondering, how would you create this input field with advanced mouse interaction : see gif
Create a task when pressed “Enter key” : no idea, how to do this?
How do you create a thing just by pressing Enter from an input field. There does not exist workflow trigger on that action.
When clicked anywhere outside the input field, hide the input field and reset to default state the group : no idea, how to do this?
How would you do the workflow that hides the input when the user clicks anywhere outside of it?
I mentioned click anywhere on page above which I didnt explain but means make the entire page a group and in workflows do a whenever an element (page group) is clicked w/ a conditional and the input group is visible → hide input
use a focus group
rules on input itself when its not in focus
and many others if you take a look around I’m sure you’ll find some better ones.
Thanks for reffering to this other post, this solution works
The first 2 possibilities can not realisicly be used in the product, and I don’t understand the last one.
“monitor when the whole page is clicked” → technicaly works but not acceptable because my mouse cursor is now a hand anywhere on the page
“use a focus group” → this can not be responsive so not acceptable
“rules on the input itself” → rules are not checked in real time and can not trigger stuff. I might not understand this option, or it might not work at all
Would you mind rephrase the last possibility?