Image Loading taking too long with

Hey there,

I’ve been having this issue for a long long time. (more than 8 months)

I’m trying to develop a B2B commerce platform for my customers. It’s simple, they access the platform add products to their cart and send it to be processed.

However, the images are becoming a pain. First problem I had was that, since I have more than 5k products with their pictures, and I get 5k new more products on a monthly basis, the storage quickly filled up.

Therefore, I opened an account on where I have unlimited space. However, the experience my user is having is not smoothest because the images are taking too long to load. Please check the next GIF so you can see what I’m taking about.

So basically acts a server for my pictures. This is how it looks in my data.

I’ve been trying to solve this for quite a long time.

Please, if you think you can give me a hand I’ll greatly appreciate it. I’m willing to pay for someone who can asist me on solving it.

Thank you.

Box isn’t exactly a solution optimized for being used as image hosting. Box, like Google Drive, are supposed to be used for storage of your files rather than serving images to users of your site at scale. So part of the problem is there.

Secondly, I’ve checked the image you link to in your post ( and if all images are similar, you might want to optimize them a bit. That’s a 1024x1024 image weighting 493KB. That’s way too much for an image used for the web. With optimizations, you could probably get it down to 50KB with no noticeable difference for your intended purpose.

So find a dedicated hosting solution for images (Firebase Hosting or GitHub for example), and optimize them so that they’re smaller in size, and I’m sure loading won’t be an issue. And if you want to optimize further, then you can also work on building caching strategies for these images.

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