İnput with dynamic data fields and text (how to build UI)

We need an input function which inculudes both data type things and text fields

at the second picture i selected first data type thing and deleted it

so how would you build such thing?

addind things is easy we just need information about input element of the example

thanks for your help

Hey, input function which let user add both, the data type and text.

Can you elaborate it a bit, more sir.

You have dynic data type, right. And user have random data type with value.

If i am right. You already figured how to create that.

To create an input, just create a group, inside it add a search box and right to it an input with transperant border and give group border. And only when user select the data type from search box give a light colour to input visible it.

That set.

But if i am not getting it correctly, i would love yo hv a vid call and do it together.

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