I was optimizing our Bubble.io app for different devices and screen sizes when I noticed that the “is pressed” condition is acting differently on iOS and iPadOS. Specifically, there’s no reaction when using this condition and pressing on an element in iPadOS.
For example, we want a button to change colors when it’s being pressed on a touch screen (mobile and tablet), just as we want the button to change colors when hovering on desktop. The “is pressed” condition works as expected on iPhone, but there’s no response when doing the same on an iPad.
However, when there is an “is hovered” condition on the element, on an iPad, that action is triggered after pressing and releasing the element, and it remains that way as if the element is still being hovered by a cursor. The action isn’t triggered while the element is being pressed.
This is screwing up our UX on iPad, especially because we’re using The BDK to create a native app experience. The same issue occurs whether using the The BDK native app or Safari. Any ideas on how to solve it?