Is this a good way to implement a blogg?

I currently have it setup for the url:

But for the content, i was planning to just use a HTML element on the page and create the content on a HTML builder website and paste the code in the HTML element. That way i will have corrent HTML tags in the code etc?

I have built the blog builder on my adminpanel to set the title etc and then a area to paste the HTML code.

Question is, is this bad for SEO?

Bumping this, anyone?

I would still like some feedback

Day 3 of asking for help, anyone?

Likely not the best way to do it.

Why don’t you just use all the built in features, like text header titles?

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Hi Boston, thanks for your comment. Why is this a bad idea?

I have tried to find good tutorials on how to execute and build this type of thing but no luck, can you point me in the right direction?

I didn’t really say it was a bad idea, just feel like it is not the best.

One reason would be, from the sound of it, and I might misunderstand the concept, but building the content in an HTML builder and then pasting the code into the HTML element, sounds like you will be able to have just one blog article. If that is the goal, then it might work well. If however, you want to have multiple blog articles on a single page, from the way I see it, the pasting of code from an HTML blog builder website will not work.

Plus, Bubble already has all the SEO things you need for good on page SEO, such as the HTML tags in the code.

I don’t know of any tutorials. If you want a paid template that already has everything done you can check out my SEO Juice Boost Blog Builder template. The cost is well below the savings of time attempting to rebuild from scratch.

Thanks, i will take a look!

I have built this structure:

on the i have now the following structure:

  • TITLE (Written in an input form in the admin panel)
  • CREATOR (Written in an input form in the admin panel)

  • HTML element (with all the content, pasted in to a multiline input in the admin panel)

  • Repeating group of recommended articles based on same tags

So, you just want to use HTML to the content of the article, and not to create the entire structure of the page? For example, there’s already a title and creator at the top of the page and you inserted HTML with text and standard HTML formatting (which really gives the user additional freedom that the default frontend editor of Bubble doesn’t provide) right below that, is that it?

Yes correct, and the titel and created by is updated based on Current page Blogs parent Titel & creator for example, creator is just there for me to say “Made by company Team”

Then the HTML is fetched the same way but “HTML” instead of titel

It greatly depends on the idea behind your site. If it’s a simple article that only requires text, I highly encourage using just the native Bubble elements. However, if you want to allow an article to have tables within the text, buttons anywhere (based on the choice of the user writing the article), dynamic elements, and more complex behaviors, then HTML becomes essential and can fulfill all these needs. You can even use CSS to create a standard design for your site’s content (like the appearance of buttons, tables, and so on), and one of the main advantages is allowing the user to edit this CSS (without them even realizing they are editing CSS). I did this when I created a video player creator, and it worked very well.

Regarding SEO, I don’t think it will be an issue either… you can eventually reference all the HTML content in Bubble’s standard SEO editor, and in more complex cases, create alternatives within the code itself.

Thanks a lot for your time and feedback! I appreciate it :raised_hands:

@Orbit my main concern would be, how are your users (if it is users that are writing the blog) going to create the HTML in your app. If it is you alone who is going to be writing articles and creating the HTML on a 3rd party HTML builder website, then that is fine, especially if you do it for each article to get the benefits of crafting each article structure individually (like buttons in specific places). Then after you create each article in the 3rd party HTML builder you copy the code and save to the Bubble database, it could work well for you.

If you don’t want to be tasked with having to create the HTML for each article or are allowing users to write articles, that strategy of using a 3rd party HTML builder site will not work, unless the 3rd party builder site allows for dynamic content to be placed within the HTML that you can then reference from your Bubble database when showing a particular article, or you don’t mind making your users who write articles to have to use the 3rd party HTML builder site and then copy and paste the HTML into your Bubble site.

You would need to save to your Bubble database the title, description, image and all other necessary values for the Structured data to be placed in the page header, all of which would need to be dynamic if the single page will host multiple articles separately. I’m not sure if you can reference those values from an HTML element or not, but I assume no based on my experience with how Bubble doesn’t allow us to reference values in the on page SEO inputs (ie: title, description, image and page header - for structured data) from anything other than the page content type or a search of the DB.

But perhaps the HTML itself can be structured to include those on page SEO values such as structured data, title, description and image, so that when the link to the article is shared all of those things come through properly and when Google bots crawl the site those things are available in the proper structure for the search bot.

Yes, in this case, the user can insert the SEO information directly into the code, allowing for dynamic and more advanced content than what Bubble itself allows. Personally, I prefer it this way, but the information needs to be entered under Select the page > Scroll down > Page HTML Header, otherwise, there might be compatibility issues.

When I built my video player creator, I managed to have users edit the HTML and JS directly in Bubble without them being able to insert code.

Here is a simple example I made just now:

In the end, it was just a matter of saving the CSS and HTML in a database and displaying them dynamically for the article. It’s good to see Bubble being efficient in this kind of thing and allowing for exploration of this world. I could add more complex options, allow the user to insert a table, edit the button (using the same CSS method), add animations in specific parts, etc. I think this opens up new horizons for dynamic content.

I used “format as text” and “split by.”

Yes the blogs are only for me to post so i dont mind using a builder!

So what you are saying if i understand correctly, having dynamic data in the in the page Titel/Description/image (SEO/FB) might not be so successful for crawlers?

Very interesting take, creative and cool idea :ok_hand:

No, I’m saying if your blog posts use dynamic data, which they should so you have just one page in the app to display blog posts, then you need to use dynamic data in the page title, description and image as well as for the structured data. My statement was made because if the HTML generated via a 3rd party HTML site builder doesn’t include those values, then those values need to be extracted somehow to be used in the Bubble inputs on the page itself. But @Orbit has said

So that means, you wouldn’t need to attempt to extract that information from the HTML to populate the Bubble inputs on the page for those values. I personally have never tested using an HTML element with those values to determine if that works or not, as I’ve always just used the inputs on the page provided by Bubble, which work just fine and allow for everything that is needed for on page SEO.

So you are saying to make use of the HTML, you need to build in Bubble a blog builder, or is there an existing Rich Text Editor that will allow users to insert buttons (that are clickable and follow a link or trigger an action), insert tables with data sets the user can enter as well as the animations.

I’m just not capable of wrapping my head around how in the Bubble app the user will have complete control over adding all of these element types and data as well, using existing plugins or native Bubble features.

What kind of more advanced content than what Bubble allows for are you talking about specifically? As far as I know, what the title, description and image for SEO are doing is providing the content in a format required by search engines and social media sites to share it properly, and that there is no more advanced content for on page SEO other than structured data, but structured data is added in the page header on the Bubble page.

Are there more advanced types of content that is used for social sharing, or getting indexed via Google other than the page title, description, image and structured data? I’d love to implement them into my blog if there are.

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