Issues saving app

Same here, and not just in the editor - our live app is not loading at all - just getting timeout errors.

Hopefully the issue is resolved soon.


Yes, bubble editor & live pages are pretty much down and unusable at the moment.

I’d like to propose a pro-rated refund for the period our apps are down, fair enough?

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Submitted one an hour ago


Me too! timing out in Korea!

Also, where are all my glorious paid plugins at?

The problem is with Bubble… It’s the start of the work day in NYC. I’m sure they’re workin on this!


Happy New Year everyone!



Nope, it’s Sunday in NYC and workday start tomorrow in USA.

Same here…

Naw… Comon bruh! Even Google crashes from time to time. Let’s all wait a minute and see how they iron the kinks outta their code. Have you ever tried to code a templated web development environment from scratch from a coffee shop? I have, it ain’t no walk in the park. Bubble is still quite young. We’re on board with this technology because it’s a great and accessible concept for coding newbs. Nobody loves this down time, but Bubble is just built of humans. I can hear them hunting for their bugs at this very moment. With their team, I’m quite sure we’ll all be back in true Bubblin’ form in a jiff.




G… Down here too… All the plugins were gone!!! :scream:

Me tooooo

Public statement from Bubble would be nice.

For the last two hours of my life, I thought about closing a business. It’s nice to know that these problems are not my fault.

Ouf this is a bad one

What’s happening?

Officially down


I’m going to rebuild my app elsewhere. This is unacceptable.

Looks like a database issue

would one being on a dedicated cluster mean we avoid these types of issues at large? obviously could still happen but in this particular instant I’m assuming those on a dedicated server are not experiencing an outage like we are?

It’s the 2020’s Ghost haunting us all!!! :ghost:
God have mercy on our souls!!!

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