It would be useful to have the “Custom Format” a dynamic field, so that it’s possible to save a setting in the database. It can be done with Conditions of course, I just think this would make it more practical this way, an app user can customize it too.
Would be very very useful for the date/time picker (so, also making the time format dynamic).
Currently the only way around it is t show/hide different inputs for all the different date/time format combinations users might want, but it makes the logic and maintenance of the app a real mess.
We are based Australia and use dd/mm/yyyy, however we want our app to be able to scale globally so also need mm/dd/yyyy date format. Ideally we want any customised date format to be configurable by the user, so dynamic input is required for the Custom format input in the editor…
@eve Can Bubble please change the above to be Dynamic input?
Totally agree. Not everyone uses the same format and a custom one would make the platform more suitable for all the users.
Is there any answer to this issue yet?
I am bumping this question! is there any solution to providing a dynamic date format yet? At the moment, I have created a settings field called “date format” with option 1 being dd/mm/yy and option 2 being mm/dd/yy. I need a way to implement it to all of my date fields - something like: custom format: “current users date format”. I would hate to create a condition for each date field where if user date format is ‘option 2’ then default date is to be formatted mm/dd/yy instead of dd/mm/yy as I am in Australia. Seems a rather pointless and long effort.