I’m looking for a price for getting a custom map plugin. Open for cosponsors if any are looking for similar functionality.
There are too many limitations in the current plugin such as marker display from multiple sources.
(Some functionality might already be there)
Looking for functionality like this:
Ability to display markers from multiple databases on the same map but with custom behavior e.g. click marker for each can trigger custom events and e.g. a checkbox will show data from different databases or all.
Ability to display custom makers based on keyword e.g. text field x in the data set is COFFEE display a coffee bean. (picture could be in another db containing icon library)
ability to show animated markers based on time. E.g. when a new location is added to the map all users within a radius will see an animated icon like a pulsating dot for a specified time (after that a normal icon). If this could trigger a workflow even better e.g. send mail/sms
If someone know how to do some of it or have an idea where to start we could also partner up on doing the plugin. I don’t know enough about bubble but know jscript and more.
Clustering of markers when zooming out.
I can share the code I’m currently using if that can help.
Animated markers. Idea is to be able to highlight recent locations added. E.g. you monitor new businesses in your neighborhood and a coffeeshop is added you see an animated marker for a period of time.
display markers based on separate criteria. E.g. show all coffee shops within walking distance (e.g. 0.5 miles )at the same time show all food delivery places that deliver to your location (e.g. 5 miles)
Maybe some login on the icon field. E.g. if database.location_type = coffeeshop then icon = coffebean.png. That would make it easy to use multiple markers.
Good to hear you’re having some success with this @AliFarahat. Very interested in the outcome. A kml file display option would be a useful feature if this isn’t on the list already.
It’s on the list. Most of the top level coding is done. I will be posting it to bubble this week end. So if I’d on face any problems a beta should be ready by Sunday night