Hi, I love bubble and have used it for a very simple basic ordering system for inhouse use. I am however wondering where the limits lie. I find bubble REALLLLLY slow even for this little project I did, Im sure I must be making extra calls etc that are slowing it down (I´m a newbie) but even the projects i am seeing on zerocode etc, all seem a bit sluggish.
My question is: if I make a fully blown marketplace website, with users, courses, forum, instant messaging etc… Where does the database limit lie. If you get 100 users, selling 5 courses each each with 10 people and intermessaging each other 10 messages a day that quickly adds up to nearly 20 million messages. Is bubble ever gonna be able to keep up with rapidly sorting through that? I know itd be a great problem to have, 20million messages is crazy optimistic but lets just imagine you get there…could it actually handle it in a decent manner or is it going to hang and take for ever to sort through all those messages? Is it a matter of organisation of the database that would make it usable or is it just all too much for bubble?