Missing Bubble Stack Icons on Editor and Preview

Hi all. Have anyone encounter this issue? It is happening to me today. Only on Chrome, Safari on my Macbook air is fine. I have cleared cache and reopen chrome, but still the icons won’t show up. And it only happened for Bubble stack icon, not Ionicicon plugin and Material icon plugin

Updated : Bubble’s stack icon also missing from Preview


Observing the same issue in my app. All built-in icons are displayed as square boxes, in both editor and runtime preview. In my case, this problem happens to all browsers in my Macbook Pro (Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6):

  • Chrome 93.0.4577.82
  • Firefox 92.0
  • Safari 14.1.2

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Same here with me. It has been few days. All missing icons are only Bubble’s icon.

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Bumping up this thread in case anybody facing the same issue.

Additional info. I have two projects, one on free plan while the other one is on paid plan. This issue happens on both.

I just checked again in runtime preview, those icons are back!

Just checked again, the issue is still there.

I’m experiencing this issue as well and I tested on 3 different browsers. It’s not just the icons in the bubble editor any icons that I put in my app is experiencing this issue as well. I check the console and it seems that there was a problem with bubble failing to load the “fontawesome” icons. I really hope they fix it soon.

Also facing this issue on Live version app. Only icons that using Bubble’s icon

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