Multiple Conditional Logic

I am tryin to create a workflow using some conditional logic and I am not getting the correct answer.

Here is what I am trying to do:

If the current user does not have the following user_level Name (Administrator or Editor) or is not the Task Creator or is not the Task Assignee and the group editTask is no. See below for picture

Basically, I when all of the conditions in the first part are false and the 2nd part to be true, then use this workflow. The problem I am having, is when the user is one of the things (Administrator, Editor, etc) in the first section, then the workflow activates.

I have a 2nd workflow where the conditions for the first part are set to is and that works.

That shouldn’t be happening.
I’d check the actual values of the user_level to make sure it’s not an empty value by any chance.
Try clicking on 'user_level’s name here. That should show up as ‘Administrator’ as well.

If the user_level doesn’t have any other fields, a good alternative is to use option sets for this. So “Administrator” and “Editor” can be pre-defined options under the ‘user_level’ type in option sets.

Could you break it out in to 4 separate conditionals?

It might be that bubble logic is looking at it like this:

When current user is not admin
When current user is not editor
When current use is not creator
when current user is not task assignee and group edit is no

Instead of (how I assume) you want it to be like this:

When current user is not admin and group edit is no
When current user is not editor and group edit is no
When current use is not creator and group edit is no
when current user is not task assignee and group edit is no

But also Blurapps has some good points about checking the values in your database and using option-sets to avoid manual entry (prone to human error) :slight_smile:

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