Hi Guys,
Thanks for your Bubble.is stuff. Its awesome. I just started 2weeks ago (i couldn’t make even a button or database entry) and now I made a really simple app, what my company started to use. ( we are a logistics company) so thank you, its a wonderful feeling!
My request: its a working prototype. I can put jobs (from - where - palet - weight and export)
Than these jobs appear in the right side, and you can enter the plate no of the truck, and the jobs will appear below the car.
If I want to put the job to another car, I should delete it - back to the jobs - and type again the new plate no…
Well, now I want to make this with drag and drop u.i. Forinstance: A truck B truck. I wanna drag Job1 from Atruck to B truck.
For that I have to understand the basic of the drag and drop plugin, but for Gods love, I just cant get it,it makes me soooooo frustrated!
So, can you give me a small example, how can I do the next:
Drop area 1 = John’s bag
Drop area 2 = Sarah’s bag
Draggable element = text: Apple
I want when I drag and drop text:apple to john’s bag to appear there. and when I drag and drop to Sarah than appear there.
First of all:
I should make a database: OWNER, FIELD: OWNERNAME: JOHN, Sarah
another database: bags field: itemname
thats, ok, but what workflow should I use? Thank you guys, you guys are awesome!!