I am so close to create a beautifull app for IOS and I am missing just one last thing.
For example when i have a repeating group which has lots of elements and once I scroll down and more records are loading, the group that contains that repeating group, expanses.
When i change the page (change state to another group in case of an app) the height of the new group is the same with the group that has a repeating group with lots of records.
The Question
Can we have indepent group height when creating native apps?
You need to make sure that you don’t have your groups on top of each other on the page (i.e. positioned at the same y coordinate), but rather that each group occupies it’s own space on the page, set to collapse the element’s height when hidden.
So all groups need to be stacked, one on top of the other, with no overlapping groups.