[Need Help] Embed a script tag into a html tag without iframe

I am trying to setup razorpay payment gateway following their quick integration help documentation. The integration is similar to a paypal checkout button which opens up a modal window to complete the payment.

The first step is putting in a javascript code into a page. I tried the HMTL element and it shows in design, but not in preview. Frustratingly it does show up correctly when I set it as “display as an iframe”. But the full payment flow continues within the iframe! If it works as expect, it should show up similar to this demo page here.

Code is here:

<form action="https://www.example.com/payment/success/" method="POST"><script src="https://checkout.razorpay.com/v1/checkout.js" data-key="YOUR_KEY_ID" // Enter the Test API Key ID generated from Dashboard → Settings → API Keys data-amount="29935" // Amount is in currency subunits. Hence, 29935 refers to 29935 paise or ₹299.35. data-currency="INR"//You can accept international payments by changing the currency code. Contact our Support Team to enable International for your account data-order_id="order_CgmcjRh9ti2lP7"//Replace with the order_id generated by you in the backend. data-buttontext="Pay with Razorpay" data-name="Acme Corp" data-description="A Wild Sheep Chase is the third novel by Japanese author Haruki Murakami" data-image="https://example.com/your_logo.jpg" data-prefill.name="Gaurav Kumar" data-prefill.email="gaurav.kumar@example.com" data-theme.color="#F37254"></script><input type="hidden" custom="Hidden Element" name="hidden"></form>

Any pointers on how I should be going about this will be highly appreciated!

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Can anyone experienced try putting this into a HMTL tag and suggest how it can work? This can potentially bring onboard a lot of those struggling with Indian payment gateways. I had seen a few posts asking how to do it, but if someone can help me figure this out, I can finish the integration and document it for the whole community.

Thanks in advance!

I’m having the exact same issue trying to use a script provided by PayPal. Everything shows correctly in an HTML element when set to display as iframe, but fails otherwise. I don’t want an iframe, because I need it to stretch its height when people select to pay with credit card.

You may be wondering why I don’t use some of the PayPal Bubble plugins and the reason is that they only show the pay with PayPal button and don’t offer the button to pay with a credit card.

Did you guys find a solution here?