Need help for stripe integration

Hello I am creating borrower-lender marketplace where borrower can borrow money and lender can give money. I am using stripe as payment gateway. I am able to provide option to borrower where borrower can confirm whether he has stripe account or not. If not, they can even create a new account. Once that is done, I am storing my borrower’s account id in database so once lender pay for this, money will directly go to borrower with some fee to marketplace. This is where I am facing challenges. How do I open checkout page with borrower’s account id? I tried stripe plugin of bubble but its action charge the current user is giving error as below: “Payee either does not have a stripe account setup or else has a privacy rule blocking access to social networks, which prevents this action from working.” Please suggest how do I solve this issue?

What would they give as a security?

Sorry, i did not got your question.

Hello Bubble team,

This is an urgent situation and we will need to resolve this asap. Can you please help us with this? we truly appreciate your help.

Hello, could you please provide me specific answer on how to solve below error:Payee either does not have a stripe account setup or else has a privacy rule blocking access to social networks, which prevents this action from working