Need suggestion on how to build in workflow that allows people to enter a Stripe coupon for free access

I have the following plans available:

1 - a plan that is for a 1 time 24 hour access
2 - a plan that is for a 1 month reoccurring access
3 - a plan that is for a 1 year reoccurring access

I am using the Stripe API actions: (a) Subscribe the user to a plan for the monthly reoccurring and (b) Charge the current user for the 1 time 24hr pass.

I’d like to be able to give out coupons to friends and family to help test. I’ve created a 100% off coupon for the monthly plan. However, I’m not quite sure the right workflow to make this work. Ideally, it would be perfect to have a coupon field on this screen:


However, that doesnt seem possible. What can I do here? I dont want them to have to enter their credit card to get access. Ideally they would just enter a code and be given full access. Thanks for helping me think through this.

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Bump on this, Would like to know this also.

Not a workflow solution, however if it’s purely for testing with Stripe you should be able to use test data / test mode with Stripe (which I’m sure you’re aware of if you’ve got Stripe set up). Then on payment it’s just the 4242 card.

All user acceptance testing that we do across our apps is with Stripes test mode on, then to confirm the payments and platform fees are working we do payments under $10 on live.

It’s a really quick fix. Simply go to the workflow where you are charging the user’s credit card/ subscribing them to a plan and make sure to check “Allow promotion codes”

Also, it’s recommended to use Stripe checkout version 3. I can see that you’re still using version 2. You can upgrade by going to Plugins > Stripe > Stripe Checkout version (change this to v3)

I hope this solves it, your friends should now be able to redeem the coupons you built on your Stripe dashboard :slight_smile:

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