New plan: 'Website'

The old pricing system was a bit more forgiving when it comes to running multiple apps. I was wondering if it makes sense to add another plan to the new pricing system that could accommodate for building landing pages and websites without the full Bubble functionality.

In my case I have the following: (pro plan) (new site plan) (new site plan)

Localized sites link to the .com and serve local language. Both and have links to the app.

Having it all in Bubble for me has many advantages but I find the $14 price tag a little too steep for this use case. However, let’s say you can buy those apps at about $5 where they have just very basic functionalities, I see multiple advantages:

It will be a far superior alternative to the current website builders out there (six, squarespace etc)
No need to go out and build (landing) pages using different services
Better integration with other Bubble apps
Great stepping stone / introduction to next level app development for first time users / user familiar with website builders.

Then again I understand Bubble is selling itself as an app builder and perhaps doesn’t want to get associated with those platforms.
Another solution would be to be able to connect multiple domains to one app of course…


I guess not much interest for something like this? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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A plan call: Performance. You get full cpu and full respond time on demand. Never loose any api calls or timeout problem. Paid for what you need when you needed. A real dedicated server cost is 100$ and more. Real professional outside are ready to paid extra $$ when going Live, and want stability.

I’d support the multiple domain suggestion.

It seems you are really hurting From the last update. I did not forget about your question. I will have done time tonight to test.

As for the plan, I decided to build then outr on html. But I still would like the multiple domains options.

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Bubble is not a website builder though, it’s a sophisticated web application builder.

If not using it to build web applications that make use of its complexity, it would be better for you to use a simple website builder for your other sites instead.

I’m with you on having a new plan though - I’m hoping Bubble can bring in a mid-tier of plan of around $40-$45 a month to help early stage SASS or ecommerce solutions test the market before going to the Pro level or testing a few different apps first before they choose to go to the Pro level with the most successful app.

I think he “Personal” plan works really well for that purpose…

Not when you need a collaborator on the project. Personal plan doesn’t allow for that…

But you can switch plans when you need. So if a project looks promising, you can take it to the Pro level, leave the rest on Personal, switch back when needed.

I don’t think the issue is with the Pro plan that it is too expensive, if anything the personal plan is just very cheap for what it brings as you justly pointed out in an earlier response.

It’s not a website builder, but in a way it is. Bubble could definitely (and very easily) invade that space which is a huge market. Far bigger than the no-code-app-builder providers. I can also fully understand if they don’t want to get things mixed up.

I pay $90 a month for a Professional Plan here in AUS. I’d be keen to get a lower $ plan still with a collaborator and increased workflow scheduling if I could.

I don’t agree with your 3rd paragraph there.

While Bubble is marketed as zero code it is still very technical, far too technical and time-consuming for the landing page target market (they want a couple pages of content, their office address and that’s it, then they want to concentrate on their real day to day business of dentistry and accounting etc.)

Bubble is designed for start up founders who want to build a SASS product and who may have some technical knowledge, a lot of technical knowledge, or not a lot but are keen to spend a lot of time learning to get the app they want.

I know CSS, LESS, PHP, and a smattering of JavaScript and even I struggle with sentences in the forum like these:

“To be able to moderate your Mobilebackend via API you will have to make your app expose a Workflow API / Data API and configure Privacy for custom data types.”

There is no way that can be massaged for the landing page market.

That’s the very reason the landing page market, if they had a base no-code product to release as a web application product, would have to release an entirely new product, because the markets are totally different.

I don’t understand how this relates to the web page builder part of Bubble. Compared to Wix, Squarespace and the likes, Bubble is equally simplistic if not simpler to understand and use when it comes to simple landing pages.

The landing page market will never even (need to) read those topics on the forum… You can very easily, without any technical understanding beyond basic browser/computer skills, build a simple landing page as well as a very complex application.

That’s what makes Bubble so powerful and perhaps a bit daunting for the average user (even though I see plenty of those -including me- building all kinds of apps.

In that regard, I see it more of a stepping stone, a soft introduction to the world of Bubble, when you can get a hold of that user base. They start with a landing page or a simple website, get familiar with the eco-system and will then naturally want to build out more complex functionalities and even new apps.

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