New Plugin - Paypal Subscriptions (Recurring Payments)

Hey everyone,

We’ve released a new plugin:

This plugin allows you to integrate Paypal Subscriptions into your bubble applications. You can create subscription plans via your PayPal dashboard and then subscribe users to this plans using this plugins. This plugin also supports api calls to manage PayPal subscriptions

For a demo of this plugin in the Bubble Editor, please visit: Seodemo2 | Bubble Editor

For a demo please visit:

Plugin page: Paypal Recurring Payments Plugin | Bubble

Setup Video:

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Plugin appears to be broken

throwing the error:
Bug in custom code ReferenceError: paypal is not defined

I recently installed the payment recurring plugin developed by Rapid dev but cant seem to get it to work.
I have setup everything from creating the app account to inputting the relevant details on the plugin
Here is a video recording addressing the issue

Hi @tobixzybolumole, thanks for reaching out and for the video.

Earlier, this plugin was acquired by the Rapid Dev Agency. Thus, we would be glad to reply to any questions or suggestions about this plugin.

This may happen when the inserted Plan ID is incorrect, please be sure to get the correct one:

Also, be sure to follow each step of the How to Setup guide:

Hope this helps. If the issue persists or any questions will arise, please let us know.

Rapid Dev Support Team

P.S. Try it out on:

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