You can now set up Undo and Redo actions with your Drawing / Painting Canvas. Here is the link to the demo. Below is a short video demonstrating the new feature:
Enjoy! And as always, don’t hesitate to reach out with requests, feedback, or questions!
It takes a few moments for the image PNG to generate. Once it has been generated, the page will fire the event “A Drawing/Painting Canvas has generated a saved image URL”. You can use this event to save your customer signature to your database. Here is a screenshot of the event I’m referring to, where you would add an action to save the customer signature to this event:
Let me know if that helps. I’m happy to talk further if not!
Hi @omarajoor – hope you’re doing well. I just pushed an update for the Remove action. It now removes all selected objects on the canvas if there is more than one selected. Once you update your plugin it should work. Let me know if you notice otherwise. Hope this helps your users on your e-board!
Hi all, I’ve added a new workflow action to this plugin called “Clear (PNG’s URL)” in order to clear the PNG URL saved on the canvas element. You can access it from the workflow tab once you’ve upgraded the plugin. Here is a screenshot of the new workflow action (it’s the one at the bottom):
Question. I have seen Backward and forward. how do they operate?
second question… add to canvas will only add image which in amazon ? i do have random image from internet or an images i took from my existing website which is not in bubble or amazon would it work?
By backwards and forwards, do you mean undo and redo? They work by undoing the users’ previous action. If the user has “undone” actions, they can “redo” that. This only works across a single session, so if you navigate away and back to the page, it resets (similar to how Bubble’s undo/redo feature works in the editor).
v1.20.1 Update: Arrow Keystrokes to Move Element(s)
You can now move elements by pressing the up, down, left, and right arrows on your keyboard. I’ve also added to specify the number of pixels that elements moves when those keys are pressed (you can set to zero if you don’t want to enable keyboard arrow pressing to move elements). On the demo page, it’s set to move 2 pixels each time you press a keyboard arrow.
Here is a screenshot of the new editor property (“Arrow Key Movement”) and a quick demo of the feature in action:
Hi all, just added another big update to this plugin! You can now set up copy and paste for single or multiple elements. These will appear as two new actions on your workflow tab:
Pasted items will be pasted at an offset of 10px below and 10px to the right of the copied item. Demo here:
v1.25.0 Update: Added Right-Click Context Menu (Optional)
Hi all, just added a highly requested feature for this plugin – an optional right-click context menu. In order to use it you, follow these two simple steps:
Add a group for your context menu or copy it from the demo page editor. If you created your own group, add an HTML element id to it. It is fine to leave this group visible on your page – the plugin with automatically make it invisible when the page loads.
You’ll see a new element property called “Context Menu HTML id.” Enter the HTML id from the group in step 1 (screenshot below):
That’s it! The result is something like the GIF below, where you can right-click elements on the canvas and copy, paste, delete, move back/fowards, etc!
As always, don’t hesitate to provide feedback!
Hi @dev.admin – thanks for the kind words! Yes, it’s certainly possible to add a background image to the canvas before the user starts to draw. Here’s a link to a demo of that in run mode (you can draw on that image):