1) As to your main app(s) - what was your choice on April 30?
- I cancelled my app and started to build elsewhere right away
- I remained in the active legacy plan
- I downgraded to a lower legacy plan (e.g. Professional > Personal or Free)
- I upgraded to an higher legacy plan (e.g. Free or Personal > Professional)
- I switched to a new plan in the same category (e.g. Personal > Starter / Professional > Growth / Production > Team)
- I switched to a new plan, but in a higher category (e.g. Personal > Growth or Team and so on).
0 voters
2) And, if you chose to stay in the legacy plans, it was because:
- I have NOT understood the new system sufficiently and needed time to grasp it
- I have understood the new system sufficiently and felt it was inconvenient to switch now to the new plans.
0 voters
3) And, if you have sufficiently understood the new plan, deciding to stay in legacy, over the next 18 months…
- I will try to optimize my app, but I am afraid it will still generate unsustainable costs.
- I will optimize my app because I am sure it will generate sustainable costs.
- I will move my app partially out of Bubble because it will generate unsustainable costs.
- I will move my app totally out of Bubble because it would generate unsustainable costs.
0 voters
Ps - By posting two new polls, I made a mess deleting the first poll: I humbly apologize to those who had already voted, hoping they can put their votes back in!