NEW PRICING PLANS - What was your choice on April 30?

1) As to your main app(s) - what was your choice on April 30?

  • I cancelled my app and started to build elsewhere right away
  • I remained in the active legacy plan
  • I downgraded to a lower legacy plan (e.g. Professional > Personal or Free)
  • I upgraded to an higher legacy plan (e.g. Free or Personal > Professional)
  • I switched to a new plan in the same category (e.g. Personal > Starter / Professional > Growth / Production > Team)
  • I switched to a new plan, but in a higher category (e.g. Personal > Growth or Team and so on).

0 voters

2) And, if you chose to stay in the legacy plans, it was because:

  • I have NOT understood the new system sufficiently and needed time to grasp it
  • I have understood the new system sufficiently and felt it was inconvenient to switch now to the new plans.

0 voters

3) And, if you have sufficiently understood the new plan, deciding to stay in legacy, over the next 18 months…

  • I will try to optimize my app, but I am afraid it will still generate unsustainable costs.
  • I will optimize my app because I am sure it will generate sustainable costs.
  • I will move my app partially out of Bubble because it will generate unsustainable costs.
  • I will move my app totally out of Bubble because it would generate unsustainable costs.

0 voters

Ps - By posting two new polls, I made a mess deleting the first poll: I humbly apologize to those who had already voted, hoping they can put their votes back in!


I cancelled everything so I guess I’m in the “downgraded” group.

I’d encourage everyone who has remained on legacy to calculate what this new pricing means!

  1. Hop on your app, do what a user would do, and see how many WU you use.
  2. Multiply that WU amount by how many users you expect. (100? - 1,000?)
  3. See how many users you can support for what cost, and make your revenue model reflect this cost per user.

It’s honestly good advice! :grinning: not trying to step on any toes here.

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Created a couple of apps on the old pricing so I can use them for the 18 months without switching, but still building around WUs.


Good points @jobs and @georgecollier
Your feedback moved me to make some changes and unfortunately a big disaster as well, deleting the first poll - I promise I will not touch this post anymore! :wink:

And so:

  • The first survey wants to understand where our community is today.
  • The second survey wants to understand how informed we can consider the choice we have made.
  • The third survey wants to understand what direction we are moving in.
