[NEW TEMPLATE ] Ai Generator Starter (chatGpt)

Link Ai Generator Starter (chatGpt) Template | Bubble

Introducing WiseBot: The No-Code AI Content Generator Template
WiseBot is a powerful no-code template that empowers users to create high-quality content for websites, blogs, and social media with ease. With its AI-powered content generation capabilities, user-friendly interface, and customizable features, WiseBot is the perfect choice for building web applications similar to WriteSonic or Jasper.


AI-powered content generation for high-quality and engaging content
User dashboard for easy access to tools and content
Payment integration for seamless purchasing of content or plans
Admin dashboard for better control over users, tools, categories, and plans
Customizable categories and tools for tailored content generation
Review and editing tools for fine-tuning generated content
Multiple plan options to suit different needs and budgets
Advanced natural language processing algorithms for optimal results
Customizable templates for different types of content
Landing page for easy navigation and user engagement.

User Type Description:

Hassle-free and fast registration process
Access to AI-powered content generation tools for creating high-quality content
Ability to purchase content or plans for convenient content creation
Access to tools for tailored content generation to suit specific needs
Viewing content history and saved generations for easy reference


Managing registration requests from users for smooth onboarding
Setting plan details to control user access and privileges
Managing users, token usage, plans, and information for efficient administration
Customizable categories and tools for tailored content generation
Multiple plan options for different needs and budgets
Managing customer reviews for valuable feedback and insights
Thank you for your interest in purchasing the WriteSmart template. If you encounter any errors or need assistance in setting up the app, please feel free to contact me at gidienesh@gmail.com.