Short Bubble Video Tutorials Platform

Hi Bubblers! :wave:

We are happy to announce that is live! It is a platform with Short Bubble Video Tutorials. We want to offer you a place where you can find and learn what you need for your Bubble project as quickly as possible. :rocket:

Let us know what you think about this platform or if you think any tutorial is missing! There is now 30+ tutorials and we will regularly add new tubes and improve the platform. :magic_wand::dizzy:


Team from Nocodetubes

#bubble #nocode #nocodetubes #shortbubblevideos


Well done. The site layout, the videos (at least the free ones), all of it is well done.

@petter If you want to know what Bubble needs, this is it right here. Hire this guy and make the videos free.


Awesome @bubble.trouble :star_struck: Thank you for the feedback! If you have any more recommendations, let us know! We would love to make videos that will help Bubblers get things done.

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Good initiative guys! :raised_hands:

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Very clean, like the style and formatā€¦ interesting billing structure for video tutorials :heavy_check_mark:

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And new features and new videos will be coming soon. Stay tuned!

This is my solicited feedback (only because you requested). Offer these videos for free (all of them). Make new videos based upon the repetitive forum requests that come in daily (meaning the same questions are asked nearly every day).

If you need seed money, you can find investors here. Then sell the site + tutorials to Bubble for a proper exit. Just a thoughtā€¦


I donā€™t pretend to know much (and by much, I mean essentially anything) about pricing models, but if there would be some sort of opportunity to sponsor videos for a small cut of, well, something (revenue, equity, free food, whatever), Iā€™d be down. If that happens to be the dumbest idea ever (refer to my aforementioned lack of anything resembling actual knowledge about pricing models), just pretend I was never here.


Hi @mikeloc, thank you for your reply, that is interesting! Could you please describe what you mean by ā€œsponsor videosā€ in more detail?

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Sure, @kamila.vankova. I mean, I assume it costs money to make those videos because, well, making stuff usually isnā€™t free. So, I provide said money to make some videos, and you give me something in return. Heck, maybe you even tag the videos with something like ā€œSponsored by mikeloc, a.k.a. the guy who spends more time in the Bubble forum than should reasonably be allowed by lawā€ because that would be funny (well, to me at least). Aside from it being funny, it could also be valuable (from a credibility standpoint) if the sponsors are folks who are a lot more legit than, well, me.

I hadnā€™t really thought the idea through, but if you want to chat about exchanging my money for something of potential future value from you, then like I said, Iā€™m down.


Hi @mikeloc,

this is Petr from Innovatee. Thank you for your great idea. You can connect with me via LinkedIn and we can talk about partnership.

Our closest targets are 100 videos and annually subscription.

@petr This is a good concept that Mike presented. A spinoff from that ideaā€¦ What if you could get plugin developers to sponsor videos of how to use their plugins?

One of the biggest problems with plugins is people donā€™t understand how to set them up or use them properly. Some plugin developers might enjoy making their own videos, but Iā€™m sure there are plenty who would rather have someone else build them. So you could create these videos and offer them in a separate (free) category and charge a standard fee the plugin builder per each video.

You could also take highly popular free plugins like send grid / stripe / etc and make paid videos for those since the plugin developer is not likely to pay to have a video made for a plugin that isnā€™t make them any money.


Hi @bubble.trouble,

great ideas, mainly idea about creating videos the most popular free plugins!

Thank you so much

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Now that is a winner ideaā€¦those sponsored vids could be free and others paid

I like your pay per vid model actuallyā€¦but had you thought about a flat rate option as well? I can see myself going for that if you keep building out great design driven instructionalsā€¦

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Hi @anon71899553, thank you. Of course after 100+ videos (during Q1 2023) we will add annual subscription. In the end of the year 2023 we have a plan for more than 300+ videos. The annual price will be between $199-$249.

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Hi @bubble.trouble @mikeloc,

what do you think about this feature in our platform - public voting for videos for registered users?


Hey, @petrā€¦ are you talking about upvoting and downvoting videos? If so, that feels way too social media-esque to me, and I am definitely not your target audience for such a feature.

In my opinion, your challenge is a lot less about features and a lot more about helping folks understand why they should choose your content over the rest of the content thatā€™s out there (and as I am sure you know, there is a lot of it). I donā€™t know how to do that, of course, but there are plenty of people trying to figure it out right now, and I havenā€™t seen anyone who appears to have nailed it yet.

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Yeah man, youtube and other free resources are boss imo

@mikeloc I didnā€™t mean a like/dislike system, but a public wishlist for registered users where people could enter their video ideas and others could then rate them based on what video they wanted. Something like a Slido.