Non-matching passwords interrupt the password reset workflow

Hi everyone,

I am stuck solving the issue with a password reset input fields.
If the new passwords don’t match and I click the button to reset I get the popup saying they don’t match. Nothing wrong with that, but after this it doesn’t work if the passwords match, or if I refrech and add passwords again…

Apologies if there is a solution on the forum but I couldn’t find it for now.

I have a feeling that the token gets reset once the reset button is clicked, and in case the passwords don’t match the whole workflow is ended. So I guess the solution must be related to having a validation or comparison of passwords done before and the password reset happens only if they match.
Any ideas how to solve this?

EDIT: the workflow goes like this:

  1. User clicks “Forgot password” on Log in page
  2. Pop up with email input shows where users addtheir emails
  3. email with a reset link is sent
  4. Click on the link opens a password reset page with the two fields you can see in the pic.
  5. If the passwords match then the user is redirected to Log in page
