Reset PW page not working

Has anybody else had this problem with the reset password page, that it displays the following error:

“This is not a valid password reset request. Please request another password reset.”

I read in another post in the forum that this could be due to the fact that users should access this page from the password reset email, but what about if they are accessing it from the “forgot password” link on the login screen.

Not sure if that is the issue. Anybody else encountered this???

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Yes the user must get a reset link in the email.
but for the forgot password button can create a workflow when you click the button>send password reset email


Genius! I should have thought of that! Thanks so much. That’ll solve it.


When the user is sent a password reset, a special code is created (a token). In the email that the user receives, there is a unique URL that includes that special token.

When the user clicks the password reset button, Bubble is checking to see that that token matches the expected value. If it doesn’t, Bubble shows the notification that the request isn’t valid and the workflow doesn’t change the password.

Two things cause this:

  • There can be only one valid password reset at a time. So, every time you hit the reset password button, it creates a new token and considers the old one invalid. A user could click an “old” password email that is no longer valid.
  • Once you use a password reset, it invalidates that token.

Thanks for the explanation. Good to know how it works. Makes total sense!


What about when it doesnt work but not because one of those 2 cases?

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Had the same issue earlier, found the thread Can't replicate password reset error message - #5 by vincent56

Like @marek explained, after the submit or confirm bottom for the “reset password”, need to add a navigate step to the workflow. I followed it and it worked, I personally redirected my page to signin for the users. This is how my workflow looks like,


that’s a weird requirement…


This is what solved my issue! Thanks for posting!


Glad it helped! :smiley:

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I had to do the same thing to get my pw reset page to work as well, what I did though in the “Only When” section was set it to “Input Password’s value is Input Confirmation’s value” to help with password matching checks.

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Hi all,

I am still experiencing the same issue today regarding not having a valid password reset. :sweat:

I am using SendGrid to pass my reset password email to my Users.
Not sure what would have triggered this initially as the password reset was fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :palms_up_together:

Is the token invalid or are the emails not sending?

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@johnny Hi Johnny! Thank you for the quick response. The emails are sending properly, the token is invalid. I’m able to select the link (simply to take me to the page. Then I’m prompted with the “this password reset is no longer valid. Please request another password reset”.

I’ve repeated the process several times & tried using old links,

Weird, it’s working for me…

@johnny Just wanted to follow up with what I have found that caused the issue
In case there are other Bubblers who run into this.

Troubleshooting Conclusion
What I did was I had Bubble send an email using SendGrid to send the URL
BUT this was a static link that I had manually inserted into the body of the SendGrid password reset template. Therefore the body of the message would always send an outdated link.

New Question
What I’m trying to solve is simply, how do I assign Bubble to send via SendGrid the password reset link without me typing in the link to send my users too?


Hey Nick,

I just want to make sure, are you using the default “Send password reset email” option to users or using a Sendgrid Plugin?

Hey Johnny,

I would like to use the SendGrid plugin to “Send password reset email”.
The default one works, it my attempt to use SendGrid for this process was causing me problems with the tokens.

How do you advise moving forward with SendGrid to handle password reset? I feel that I’m missing a critical step somewhere :sweat: @johnny

Hmm… maybe it’ll be best for me to show you my setup and you decide what might be best from there. I’m using Postmark, so there are slight differences.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Note: This is a backend workflow, but it shouldn’t make a difference


@johnny I’m using Postmark too (you seem to know a lot about it) and for me, Bubble isn’t even generating the token.

Any ideas why? I think everything else is working just seems like on that step no token is generated.