Not truncated input labels

When we integrate api calls with long parameters, like these :

we can’t read them in the related action :

@Bubble can you enhance a line break or move down the input so the label uses the whole pannel’s width ?



Thanks for pointing this out. I’ve shared your feature request with our engineering team!


If you define the body in JSON you can name the variables as you want and it’ll be shorter.

But the same thing happen with plugin for example. If we define a field that is too long, this is truncated. However, we can hover to see the rest of the text.

I prefer parameters.
Can’t you make the label full width when the number of characters > 12 for instance ?

@eve still the same UI issue, with parameters from Plugin or Api Connector.

Not very easy to use :

Why do not split Headers and Parameters in section in the editor, instead of writing ‘(parameters)’ as a prefix of each one ?