I’ve been building NuCode.co over the last 1-2 weeks - a no code product discover & community app.
Couple features so far:
I’ve curated over 200+ no code products (searchable). Each product gets its own feature page where makers can show off the tools that it is made with.
Over 60+ no code tools (searchable)
Built & started a small forum-style section to the site. Adding more posts soon from other makers, and I’m hoping to get more good questions about building without code.
I just launched on Twitter earlier today to a great response and will do the typical ProductHunt launch soon as well as others, but would love feedback from the Bubble community as this is fully built in Bubble.
Feel free to sign up and I’m going to send out the first update later this week!
And if you have a no code product you’d like to submit feel free to search NuCode.co/products to make sure I haven’t already added it, and if not you can submit on NuCode.co/submit
Hey there! Yeah I’m still working on the whole “claim/edit products” flow. Did you submit PMA this morning? I just removed one of them! let me know if you need me to edit it for you for now.
Added some new features & hit some fun milestones:
If you’re the maker of a product, you can edit the product now by clicking the title on the product page (has a pencil in the text if you’re the maker now)
Hit 190 no code products
Hit 50 community members
Hit 110+ no code tools featured!