Number format is text!


I have a number (datatype number) however I want it be have decimal places. When I use “formatted as 1028.58” and format it as a number it says it is invalid because it is a text. I don’t have the option to change the data type to text as a lot of data is stored here.

Am I missing something??


You can’t use text format in expression.
Try “converted to number” if you text contain only number

What exactly are you trying to do?

When you use ‘formatted as’ on a number, it becomes a text (as you’ve discovered), and you can’t store a text in a field that has a type of ‘Number’.

If you want to store a Number then the value must be an actual number.

You can use ‘rounded down to 2’ instead of ‘formatted as’ if you want to keep it as a number. Then it should still be a number. Maybe try that? :man_shrugging:t2:

Also, converted to number should also work too like @Eugene_West said. Like @adamhholmes said. ‘Formatted as’ results in a text value. :blush:

As I stated explicitly above… (I have a number (datatype number) however I want it be have decimal places. When I use “formatted as 1028.58” and format it as a number it says it is invalid because it is a text.)

I’m not sure I can be any clearer??


“rounded down to 2” doesn’t work. I had tried that already.

Thank you though :slight_smile:

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:thinking: Hmm. What does the error message say specifically? Maybe share a screenshot of the error would be helpful.

Also, converted to number doesn’t work?

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Why do you use “formatted as” if you custom number 0.1 already is decimal ?

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It’s not clear at all…

What exactly are you trying to do…?

Can you give an example?

Either the number is a decimal or it’s not?

Are you taking about ‘displaying’ a number with a certain number of decimal places? Or modifying the actual number value (those are two different things).

Using ‘Format As’ on a number outputs it as a text (as several people have pointed out already in this thread)…

If you need the value to be a number then you can convert that text back to a number - or simply keep it as a number all along (don’t convert it to a text in the first place).

Perhaps some screenshots, or a specific example of what you’re trying to do might help (as I can’t understand currently why you’re converting the number to a text in the first place if you need it to be a numeric value)…

And what do you mean by ‘rounded to 2 didn’t work’?… didn’t work in what way?

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