Performance Q - Not visible on page load

Wondering if anyone knows - if a group isn’t visible on page-load does that mean data won’t load?

I have a repeating group that will display a list of things in a table… I want to have a significantly different appearance on Mobile vs Tablet/Desktop, so was thinking I could build 2x Groups in the repeating group, and have one visible < 640px and the other visible >640px.

Would this approach cause any performance issues - is there another recommended way I should do this?

Hello I am a beginner like you. From my learning till now here is my opinion -

  1. Element visibility does not depend on server, it is browser based. Even if an element does not have any data e.g. a group, it can be visible.

  2. Whenever the word “Data” comes, it is connected with the server. So, as long data exist inside an element it will load in the element, the moment the element is loaded whether it is visible and not visible.

  3. Privacy rules also may affect the performance

So, as long as the performance is concern data loading should be a concern along with user experience.

@kazimdgoni is almost correct.

Elements not marked as visible on page load will not load any data related to it but…and its a big but…as mentioned the data related to hidden elements WILL get loaded IF another element or workflow is referencing the hidden element or it’s data.

What you don’t have to worry about is duplicate data calls. So when a page has loaded a set of data and then a different element calls the same (or a piece of it) data, it won’t need to make any more calls to your DB as it’s already in the client cache.

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