đŸ’„ [PLUGIN RELEASE] Advanced Export to PDF: Whole Page / Single Element

Great, if you need any more information just let me know.

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Quick intermediate results.

I’ve just created a test bubble page with 17 groups and exactly the same settings like on your screenshot:

  • width = 1280
  • height = 1810
  • bg color: #181818
  • fix-width: no
  • min width: 80%
  • apply max width when page is stretched: yes
  • max width: 100%

After I made 3 tests (A4, portrait).

  1. Default settings (margins = 0; fit page = false)
    Result: Works as expected

  2. Margin left = -1mm; fit page = false
    Result: width / height ratio calculates incorrectly => each page splits to the next one. Left side of each page is slightly cut.

  3. Margin left = -1mm; fit page = true
    Result: each page fits into one A4. Left side is slightly cut. A white margin on the right side.

To resume, from my side everything works as expected. Your example is much more complex and probably there are other factors that influence the result.

However, I’ve planned to upgrade the page rendering system and replace the “fit page height” option by a set of options, more or less like object-fit CSS property.

I believe that it will resolve your issue!


@BubbleSam Thank you for fast feedback.

The strange thing is if I copy and paste the correct group, it is work correct until I edit content. When I use the others groups inside this group using image and conditions the issue appears.

Now, I tried without -1 margin left and it work proper about left margin, but the right margin continues.

As you can see:


I tried ungroup the max possible and create the group named “Body” inside the Main group, but the issue continue.

Basically I need 3 groups Header, Body and Footer.


Could you test with this structure?

Inside the Body try use a imagem and one another group with condicional visibility. (2 columns)

Your idea about object fit-css look like great. I’m looking forward to testing :slight_smile:

@BubbleSam After I send the message the next render PDF return with the issue in Left Margin.

And the right margin continues

As you can see:

For something reason it was rendered correct in the first time, but after retuns the issue.

Keeping a very interested eye on how this plugin develops!

@B4B has made some great suggestions :slight_smile:


:tada: Advanced Export to PDF v2.1.0 released!

  • Replaced page rendering system by completely new algorithm. Added 5 Page fit mode options. It works in the same way as the “object-fit” CSS property. I believe that most of the time the ‘contain’ mode should be used.
  • Removed Fit height option as redundant
  • New option Autoprint: automatically opens the print dialog on file opening
  • New option Draw margin borders (for debug purposes)
  • URL generation: added URL generating state (Yes/No)
  • PDF generation
    • Added states: PDF Generating, PDF Generating Percentage
    • Added PDF generated event
  • Better error handling
  • Multiple under the hood improvements

Demo was also updated! I hope this release will solve some important rendering issues.


je rencontre un problĂšme lors du chargement du plugin

Pourriez vous me dire qqchose ?

As tu essayĂ© de supprimĂ© cet Ă©lĂ©ment et voir si tu as toujours l’erreur pour confirmer que ça vient bien de lĂ  ?

top ! thank you
I’m gonna try the autoprint, I needed it !
I must say that this is a wonderfull plugin and I don’t regret to buy it. Saves me a lot of time compare to pdf conjurer

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@B4B Hi there!
Did you already have chance to try the latest version of the plugin? Did it resolve the margin issue?

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c’est bon ! merci

Just tried using this plugin and got an error when I tried to run the action:

Would love to get some ideas on what’s causing this.


Hi @bluesyBlues
That’s odd! Could you please try to: remove/re-add the element on the page ; reinstall the plugin ; or clean Bubble cache?

I think it was because I unchecked the “This element is visible on page load” option. I added that back in and the message disappeared.

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@BubbleSam , I have a printing scenario where none of the page fit options seem to work.

I have a repeating group that contains multi-line text elements. Each of those text elements contain multiple paragraphs of text data (sometimes many pages worth of text).

When generating the PDF, it’s force-fitting all the data into one page if I use the “contain” or “scale-down” mode and that makes the end result almost unreadable. The other options mostly seem to cut off the data.

So, I’m wondering if there’s a good way to handle this.


@BubbleSam I didn’t see. I will check now. But a have a question. The bubble have the notifications about plugins updates? There is any way to enable it?

Hi @bluesyBlues Could you please temporary downgrade the plugin to v1.x? It should help you to export huge elements on multiple pages. In the next release I’ll add this option too!

Honestly I don’t think Bubble has a notification system for plugin updates

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Hello @BubbleSam

The issue continue, but in different way.

I tested all options.

Cover (the same old problem)

Contain (margin in all of way, top, bottom, left an right)

Scale-down (margin in all of way, top, bottom, left an right)

None (it zoom in and cut all information)

Fill (from the page 6 the bug left margin appear)

Fill with -1 left margin (just set -1 left margin is not able to solve in this case)

Fill with -10 left margin (best result in my case)

So I setted Fill and use -10 left margin, I solved the left margin, but the headers look like diferent, in the pages with bug the header is small because it ajust the different way even it have the same witdh and height.

I also noticed more width stretch in theses bug pages. The title font look like some different because stretch.

For while it will attend my need, but I’m a fear that this bug can happen differently on other devices that will be render.

The proper work should be the pages with the same width and height behave the same ajust, without the need to set -10px in left margin. right?

I’m looking for next updates to continue testing :slight_smile:

@BubbleSam I was error in my side.

I found an element that extrapoled the group height. It caused the left margin in page 6.

Now I solve my problem and i don’t need set -10 left margin.

We need be attention to check this things. I was error in my side. :slight_smile:

Now, it look great !


@BubbleSam - your suggestion to downgrade to 1.x does render the long text fields better. But it’s still not smart about the page breaks. IT sometimes breaks the font in half at the page break eg:

It’s also not respecting the top and bottom margins on the subsequent pages.

But the 1.x version is doing a better job of not compressing everythign to one page.

Any ideas appreciated!