đź’Ą [PLUGIN RELEASE] Advanced Export to PDF: Whole Page / Single Element

:rocket: Export Bubble page, single element or a list of elements to a PDF file

:fire: Easy to use plugin with advanced settings:
:arrow_right: Export one page element, a list of elements or the whole page to a PDF file
:arrow_right: Export to a multipage or a single-page PDF
:arrow_right: Flexible page layout settings: Predefined (A0-A10, letter, etc) and custom page formats; Page orientation ; Margins
:arrow_right: Plugin generates lightweight and excellent quality PDF files ready to print or to keep as a digital file
:arrow_right: Fine control over PDF compression quality
:arrow_right: Use any valid CSS selector to select elements to export
:arrow_right: Download generated PDF file
:arrow_right: Upload generated PDF file to Bubble (generate a URL)
:arrow_right: Archive PDF to highly reduce the output file size

:link: Demo | Editor

:link: Plugin Page:

:books: Full Description, Documentation & Screenshots:

Feel free to post your questions, feature requests and bug reports :bug: here!


This is really cool!

Nice work @BubbleSam!

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Thanks @launchable for your feedback!
I have a few more cool features in my mind to implement :smiley:

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Hello @BubbleSam
I wanna test your plugin. Can you tell if I can save the pdf to S3 bubble ?

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Hi @Sarah_Esteve ,

Thank you for your interest in this plugin! Generating a URL is exactly what we are working on right now :smiley: It should be available very soon!

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oh nice ! I really need a plugin that is simple. Your demo is nice. When do you think it will be available ? Days ? Weeks ? Months ?

I hope it will be released today or tomorrow! @Sarah_Esteve


greeeeeat !!!

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Hello @BubbleSam
if a repeating group is higher than the page, can we set a clean page break ?

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Hi @nicolas_dap ,

Great question. Actually, it depends on your use case.
With RG, you have at least 2 options: export each element on a separate page or export the whole RG as one element.

Here is a Demo to illustrate what I mean.
Let me know if you need any further information!

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Oops, I just figured out that I forgot to copy the Dev database into Live.
As a consequence, both charts in the demo weren’t rendered.

Advanced Export to PDF v1.3.0 is here!

  • Generate PDF file URL (upload to Bubble’s AWS). Added a new field “Generate URL” (Yes/No), new state “URL” (String), new event “URL generated”. Check out the updated demo to see it in action!
  • Easier way to save Repeating Group items individually on a separate pages.

Mille mercis Ă  @Sarah_Esteve for pointing this out! :wink:


All right, thanks. But this is not what I’m looking for.

Is there a way to define a place where a page break can happen, and not somewhere alse ?
Obviously, it would be at the very bottom a cell inside a repeating group, so there can be several items printed per page.

Hi @nicolas_dap ,
I don’t think it would be possible to put a page break anywhere you want. The philosophy behind this plugin is to give a possibility to select the page content via any valid CSS selector, e.g. #eltId, .eltClassname, div>.classname>img etc

De rien Sam :slight_smile:

Thank you for your work :slight_smile:

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Great ! :clap:

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Documentation update:

How to upload PDF to Bubble cloud :cloud: and generate a URL


Hello @BubbleSam, I’m your first customer. This plugin is wonderful. Very simple and easy to use. I loved it.

I worked hard to create 100% full width and full height background in black (without any white margin) and make it high resolution.

I decided create a new Bubble page and create manually each group for represent each page of PDF. So when this page is loaded the plugin works to save PDF.

Initially I tried use 800px, but the quality is low even when I set 100 in compress quality.

For achive the full width I set 1280px and for achive the full height I found the number 1810px.

Now, the quality is great. Very better than plugin “Bubble Page to PDF” converter that have 2k users.

I hope this plugin surpass much more than that and be a great success :slight_smile:

So I would like help with that and send any suggestions for make it better and the number 1 of PDF plugin.

1 - Explain in documentation about quality, some customers can give up if set 100 in quality and the result is low quality. Explain the possibility to make another page with for example 1280px for more quality or you can make better this compress.

2 - Create any option to full width and height or change background color to eliminate any white margim. It will save some time.

3 - Create Header and Footer - You could create the option to set group for header and footer in all pages (optional field), and have another option for exclude theses header and footer in some pages, such as 1 and the last or any other page between them.

Imagine how easy it would be to assemble profissional pdfs only set the groups and set the header elements and footers. We will don’t need create another page to make PDF 100% customizable. Don’t exist any plugin with that.

In this case, maybe we need think a solution to enumered pages and about quality, as I said in number 1, if the group is small the quality will be low, you will need improve it.

Other thing is the Repeating Group can be automatic split in “body” space keeping the header in the top and footer in the bottom.

4 - Create a option yes or no to set if I need loading asynchronous. Because the workflow continues for next step even Save PDF is loading. I cant make a action after user save your file. If I try send for another page, it interrupt the loading for save the PDF (when my PDF is large to loading).

5 - Create a loading - I’m trying simulate the loading, but I can’t because the workflow continues for next step even Save PDF is loading. So you could create some optional field yes/no to enable some Loading to user know that is working in background. Could be a Popup in the center with animated spin.

6 - Create a option yes or no to make the PDF with texts instead make screen shoots. Such as another plugin that I saw, named “PDF generator”

7 - Create the option yes or no to Working in backend - It is great for large PDFs, in my test 30 pages with 100% width and height with colours and anothes elements make the loading some slow. For user experience is better if it work in background and after the pdf is done in database of bubble, we would can enable the link for user acess the PDF. Or better, we would create the button to user immediately download the PDF that already was make.

There is another plugin that work in backend, you can check.

Conclusion, thanks for the great plugin. I’m looking forward to the news.


Hello, I found a bug or I am using something wrong. Anyway, I need your help. :slight_smile:

I noticed a margin on the left which I managed to remove by setting -1 in Lef Margin.

But I’m facing a problem with some pages, they are getting a blank margin in the right in a few pages.

I tried adjust height of group by hand to remove it. When I adjust one it disfigures another. As I have 30 pages, this is not feasible.

Here’s a print of what I’m talking about:

As you can see most of the pages are correct:

But some pages are misconfigured for any strange reason.

You can see the PDF on this link here

In my case, I created a new Bubble page and create manually each group for represent each page of PDF. So when this page is loaded the plugin works to save PDF.

For achive the full width I set 1280px with fixed witdh and for achive the full height I found the number 1810px.

All have the same size and the same settings, as they have been duplicated and have not been edited.

Correct page:

Wrong page:

Could you help me with that?

Another thing that I also need to help is about performance. In this PDF of 30 pages is too slow to save. It take more or less 60 seconds. Imagine if it had 100 pages? In this case, can I call this action to work on backend and save url in database?

Or any tip to how can I create a progress bar while PDF is saving?

Because 60 second without response or only page with “Loading” is not ok for most users. For this to be acceptable we need at least a progress bar that will show the progress of the PDF creation. Could you help me with that also?

I already tested name “.main-page” in the bubble page and set only one big group.

It is faster take more or less 11 seconds, but have a different bug. My groups that have a visibility conditions are disappears after page 9.

As you can see:

The correct is:

You can see the PDF on this link here:

I’m waiting for your help :slight_smile:

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Hi @B4B ,

First of all, a huge thanks for your both messages :pray: I can imagine how much time it took to structure and describe all those requirements and issues.

Your use case and feature requests are fantastic! Some of them I already have in my TODO list, about others I didn’t even think yet…

I promise that I’m going to continue improving this plugin to make it yet better, powerful and cover more use cases!

About the described issues, I’m going to try to reproduce them (especially the margin problem) and I’ll keep you updated!