Plugin Update - Richtext editor AI Pro (formally TextProAI)

Hey Bubblers! :tada:

We’re absolutely thrilled to announce some game-changing updates to our plugin that you’re going to love! Say hello to “RichEditor AI Pro,” your go-to plugin for cutting-edge text editing—find it right now under your plugins tab!

:tada: New Features Alert! :tada:
Hold on to your seats, because we’ve supercharged our AI models, integrating the latest and most recent models from OpenAI! Expect a mesmerizing text generation experience, pinpoint grammar accuracy, and razor-sharp rephrasing! But wait, there’s more! Introducing two phenomenal features—Shorten & Expand . Just highlight a sentence, and watch the magic happen!

:money_with_wings: Even Better Pricing! :money_with_wings:
More features don’t mean a higher price—in fact, we’ve done the exact opposite! We’ve slashed our prices while adding a slew of powerful capabilities. Unbeatable value!

:handshake: Mentions Are Here! :handshake:
But that’s not all! Test drive our brand new Mentions feature. Although it’s still in beta, it’s already a game-changer in terms of flexibility.

Don’t miss out on turbocharging your rich-text editing experience. Update to RichEditor AI Pro now!

Cheers! :partying_face:

link to demo page:

Hey folks. quick update here. just published another patch that includes some fixes to height settings , but also added new feature to set the placeholder text. When initial text is used , it will override the placeholder text of-course!

Happy bubbling!