Public Front End Editing possible?

Hi there, I’m new to the bubble system and looking for a way to build a spreadsheet that will have the ‘google spreadsheet’ features.

The part I’m trying to figure out and need help with right now is:

  1. How to give any ‘user’ (that sign up) the ability to add/edit new ‘rows’ to the spreadsheet on the front page (like in google spreadsheet).
  2. (Probably more tricky) How to prevent users from Editing/deleting other user’s rows (so they can create/edits their own new spreadsheet rows but they can’t edit/change other user’s rows).

Does anyone have an idea how to achieve that with’ a bubble system? as I said I’m pretty new to the software so the more details the better.

  • If it’s not possible also let me know, and any ideas where to look for are welcome as well.

Hey, thanks for posting! Have you had a chance to check out the Handson Table plugin from our team? This should allow you to set up a good table view for your app’s data for your users. You can use privacy rules and conditional statements to ensure that data that a user shouldn’t have access to can’t be edited, and your user should be able to add data rows by creating new data via a form.

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Thanks for the response eve, I did check the app you mention, I’m currently testing it out to hopefully get it done. mostly my main concern is about the second part:

“How to prevent users from Editing/deleting other user’s rows (so they can create/edits their own new spreadsheet rows but they can’t edit/change other user’s rows).”

I need one user to be able to add another ‘row’ but not be able to edit other ‘user’ row, so for example, if two users on, one writing a row, the second one can see it but not edit it, however, he can add another row under the last user row… seems a bit tricky to do so far, but It’s a lot to learn in general so I might miss something, that’s why I post here to see if there are any new ideas for this ‘specific’ issue.

Absolutely! You can leverage privacy rules for this – make sure that a user that didn’t create the row doesn’t have permission to make changes to the thing in the database, for example.

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