Remove list is not removed from db

I am trying to create possibility to remove images after clicking the Save button. So, I have the list of images need to be removed.
But after clicking the button the removed items still in db.

What reason can be?

What’s Step 1 of the workflow?
CleanShot 2023-08-28 at 12.15.40@2x
Are you certain this doesn’t remove the file from the list?

If you’re talking about it remaining in the file manager, you need to delete the uploaded file. Create a backend workflow which takes a file as parameter and runs action ‘delete an uploaded file’ and delete This File. In your workflow, schedule API workflow on a list of files (Popup’s removed files) to remove these files from the application storage

It doesn’t remove it from db

can I do it without using backend workflow?

Technically you could make a frontend loop with custom events but it’s really not worth it… use backend workflows.