Removing selection dots

Is there are script that just removes dots around the selected group? I don’t have border here or anything… It’s seems like these shows up if close my browser and open it again on iOS.

You can use css to make that not happen.

#YourGroupHtmlIdHere {

Thanks for the tip. There no way to universally disable it? Adding all my groups would take for ever



I did give this a try (both options) but I still have the same issue when user closes and opens
browser on mobile. Outline is still there.


* {
outline:none !important;

This should work, but just note if any of your elements use an outline css settings, this will override it.

Outline is not the same as a border, so it shouldn’t affect any of your bubble element styling. If anything it might only affect custom plugins that use outline css styling.


Thank you! This works! I appreciate you all helping me

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