Repeating group cell animation

Hi all,

I can’t work out at all how to implement an animation on a repeating group. It doesn’t seem to work whatever I try.

When I hover over a cell, I need a group to become visible on top (which will show expanded content in the repeating group cell) which animates by sliding in from the bottom to the top of the cell.

I can do the hover condition to make the group become visible, that’s easy, but I can’t work out how to do the animation functionality… have tried custom states, custom events to no avail.


I am guessing you are using the conditional tab to mark the overlay group upon hover “This element is visible : yes”. Do you mean you need to connect a hover action to a workflow so that you can animate it instead? ie: Element Actions → Animate?

My first instinct would be to set a custom state upon hover and allow that custom state to control a “Do when condition is true” workflow with animation, but unfortunately this does not exist in Bubble from what I can tell. You may be able to the use the Toolbox plugin and achieve this effect with JavaScript that triggers a workflow (actually now that I think about it this is completely doable) — check it out: Toolbox plugin - collection of utility elements

If I find the time I’ll post back with an example using the plugin.

awesome thanks! I’ll try out the toolbox plugin using JavaScript. That’s a good solution - it should work, thanks.

And yes you are correct that this doesn’t exist (currently) in Bubble, at least as far as I can tell (I tried doing it) --> " allow that custom state to control a “Do when condition is true” workflow with animation, but unfortunately this does not exist in Bubble from what I can tell. "

I’m reviving this 5 year old topic because I think this information is missing from bubble forms.

I edited philip’s function so that each element in the repeating group has a different name by adding the current cell’s index. - If you don’t do this javascript will stack the functions run 1 for each item in your repeating groups, and you’ll always get the last item in the repeating group as output.

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use the Javascript to bubble element from the Toolbox plugin to trigger an event when your function is run.

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Edit state when the javascript to bubble event is fired

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Conditionally animate when saved state is equal to name or ID of the cell.