Repeating Group disappears after deployment

Hi there, folks!How are you?

Could someone help me with this issue? This is what is happening:
I’m creating a service that ask a lot of questions to the new users. To make this process more friendly and less boring, i tried to create clickable button as radio boxes using repeating group.
When I teste it in development mode, everything works fine as you could see in this image below.

But when i made the deploy development to live they disappear like this image:

I really don’t know how to fix this issue and I have no clue about what i’m making wrong. I can see it working here:

Hope someone can help me.

Best regards,

I bet your development database has all of the necessary data and your live database does not.

If that’s the problem, just copy the development data into the live database and you should be all good.

Hope that works!

Hi, Dbevan!

You nailed it! Thank you so much for your help and fast response.
This was driving me crazy.

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No worries. We’ve all dealt with this problem before. Good luck building!

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