Repeating group not showing in live app

Hello all,

I moved my app from development to production but unfortunately the content in my repeating groups does not display on the live version :frowning: … any recommendations on how this can be fixed?

Have you copied the data from the dev database to the live database?

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Hey Adam…was just thinking that I must have missed a step…frankly I thought that pushing a GO LIVE button on Bubble would make this copy for me…

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No it doesn’t.

Bubble gives you two completely separate databases, one for dev and one for live (if you only had one to share between both versions you’d run into serious problems with development).

If you want your dev database to be copied into the live database then you need to do so in the ‘app data’ tab of your app’s data settings…

Click the ‘Copy and Restore’ database button at the top, then you can copy the dev database to the live database from there (you can either copy the entire database if you want, or just specific datatypes, depending on what you’re trying to do).


Thanks much! Found it and did it. it worked!

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