Specifically, for a date-based approach, you can make use of the [New Feature] Grouping and Aggregating Data feature and group items by date, then have a nested repeating group that corresponds to those results.
@Nocodify - if you’re looking to achieve this, I think it’s good to have a strong foundation of database structures and how to properly apply constraints on a search.
If your intent is to show every day (even those that have no activity), you can approach from a slightly different lens.
In your database, you can create single records for dates for the next so many years (going back a bit and forward a few years, depending on the use case). Then, you set up an initial repeating group to Do a search for dates records where the date value is within the past ~7 days.
Then, in your nested repeating group, you have a second search that looks for the corresponding events that happened during the given day.
Do you happen to know to search for the corresponding dates (easy enough) but within the range of the whole day? It seems like when inputting the dates, I have to add a time, and the events aren’t happening on that specific Hour, minute, etc.