I have been trying to debug something for about 4 hours now…I keep seeing that my design conditionals to make things visible or not visible inside of a repeating group gets messed up as the cell is not visible on the device screen. If I scroll down the page to where the cell of the rg is, then the conditionals kick in and the formatting is as expected, but that should not be the case. The conditional formatting should be executed whether the cell is in view on the screen or not.
For the life of me, I can’t figure out any other reason for the behavior I am experiencing. I’ve gone to great lengths to alter some behaviors to see if I had done something wrong, but no changes I can make cause the issues to stop.
I finally made a test page and removed all unnecessary elements and actions and I still get the same behavior.
Is anybody else experiencing odd behavior like this? Is Bubble making some breaking changes to the codebase in attempts to improve speed/performance?
Here is general setup. Custom state of type number called ‘cell in focus’…repeating group with two different groups, of different widths…one is visible only when the custom state ‘cell in focus’ number is equal to the current cell index.
When creating a new entry in the rg with list of text, I run action to set the state to cell in focus after running the action to create the new entry in text list (ie: create new entry in RG)
What ends up happening is that eventually the group with larger width (based on custom state equal to cell index) is not visible or not created, I don’t know what really is happening, which causes the entire RG width to decrease. Using the inspector I can see that the list of text count in the RG is equal to the custom state cell in focus value, but when using the inspector to check on the group that is supposed to be visible I can count there is one less than there should and all are shown as ‘not visible’…
Then when I scroll down to bottom of the RG, the widths expand and the group with larger width is shown, then using inspector to check for that group, there is one more in the list than there was prior to scrolling, and is positioned at the top of the list rather than at the bottom (these things are always listed in order of the appearance in an RG) and is visible.
Very very annoying. Lost too much time on this when I was supposed to have just an hour to finalize a major feature of an app.
My assumption is similar. This only started for me within the past 24 hours. My thought is they attempted an improvement meant to help with page loading and performance, which was maybe supposed to make it so that a repeating group will not load or render items that are not within the view of the device screen height.
Whatever was done is needing to be fixed.
My workaround for now is to scroll to entry in the repeating group after each new item is created by the user based on the button click…doesn’t always work though.
EDIT@senecadatabase after reading and replying to your comment, made me think a bit more and I just did a quick test, after checking the box to ‘show all items immediately’ on the RG, and so far that seems to have done the trick. I’ll need to set that up in the real function to see if it fully resolves the issue.